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PSA: Stop Using Alcohol to Clean Your Nintendo Switch to Avoid Damage

PSA: Stop Using Alcohol to Clean Your Nintendo Switch to Avoid Damage

by Aiman MaulanaApril 13, 2020
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Given the COVID-19 pandemic season we are facing right now, many of us may be on high alert and start cleaning anything and everything in the house. When it comes to gadgets, it’s rather common for people to use alcohol to clean it. We have an important public service announcement to make as you should not use alcohol to clean your Nintendo Switch.

According to the official Nintendo customer service account on Twitter, they tweeted an important message in Japanese. When translated, this is what it said:

Recently, we have received inquiries from customers that we would like to disinfect Nintendo Switch and Joy-Con with alcohol. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please avoid the use of alcohol as this may cause the plastic parts to fade or become distorted.

At the same time, they also mentioned that other cleaning products may also cause damage to the console but it depends on the ingredients. The primary concern here being potential damage to plastic parts.

So How Do I Clean My Nintendo Switch Now?

PSA: Stop Using Alcohol to Clean Your Nintendo Switch to Avoid Damage 34

However, Nintendo has provided some insight as to how owners can clean the Nintendo Switch. They ask users to simply use a soft, dry cloth. In this case, microfiber cloths will do wonders as it can easily remove dust and not cause damages to the screen.

While we do not expect there to be major damages if used at least some cleaning product with it, just be mindful of what can potentially happen. If something does happen, we don’t expect warranty to cover for those damages so be extra careful.


Pokdepinion: Didn’t think cleaning it would be this hard, honestly. Well, better safe than sorry, I suppose.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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