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Nielsen Survey Teases PS5 Price That Is Simply Too Good To Be True

Nielsen Survey Teases PS5 Price That Is Simply Too Good To Be True

by Aiman MaulanaJuly 8, 2020
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Nielsen Survey Teases PS5 Price That Is Simply Too Good To Be True 29

I’m sure many of you are excited for the next generation of gaming with the PS5 and Xbox Series X. I know I am, and now, we have more indications of what the PlayStation 5’s prices could possibly be.

Nielsen Survey Teases PS5 Price

Nielsen Survey Teases PS5 Price That Is Simply Too Good To Be True 30

According to a survey by American information, data and measurement firm Nielsen, they have assigned random pricing for the upcoming PS5 console. The price that was given is £349 for the standard PlayStation 5 model, and £259 for the PS5 Digital Edition which doesn’t come with a disc drive.

Nielsen Survey

As mentioned in the product description, the pricing of this new product (PlayStation 5) has not yet been determined. For the purposes of this survey, we will assign you random pricing. Please take this random pricing into consideration at the following questions.

The random prices for this new product (PlayStation 5) that you will evaluate are PlayStation 5: £349; PlayStation 5 Digital Edition: £259.

Nielsen doesn’t necessarily know the PS5 price. If anything, it’s done to gauge consumer interest on several price points, hence the random price assignments. However, it’s still possible to speculate on the price based on the given figures.

Taking the standard PlayStation 5 model, the £259 translates to RM1863 / USD $435. As for the PS5 Digital Edition, the £259 would translate to RM1,382 / USD $323. Earlier reports suggested that the PlayStation 5 could cost roughly USD $450 to manufacture, and Sony is most likely going to sell the console at a loss in order to encourage more people to adopt the system.

This isn’t a weird strategy as Sony has done that in the past with previous consoles. While it doesn’t translate to much of a loss with the standard edition, it will be far more significant with the Digital Edition as the costliest parts of the PS5 is the CPU, GPU, and SSD rather than the disc drive itself.

As UK prices will include VAT, you can’t translate it directly to other currency. With expectations that the Digital Edition will be USD $100 cheaper than standard and taking into account the prices from the Nielsen survey, we may be looking at a retail price of USD $449 / RM1,919 for the standard edition, and USD $349 / RM1,492 for the Digital Edition.

This is still speculation for now, and the survey may be done to see if Sony needs to further adjust PS5 price. This is especially the case since there is a high chance Microsoft will undercut them by a noticeable amount, especially with the Xbox Series S. For now, Sony and Microsoft have yet to announce the official retail prices, pre-orders, and release dates for their next gen consoles. We will report more on this as soon as information becomes available.


Pokdepinion: I’m personally hoping that the standard edition would be retailing for $399. It might seem unlikely at this point, but I’m still hoping for it.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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