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New EA Patent Circumvents Lengthy Downloads and Installs

New EA Patent Circumvents Lengthy Downloads and Installs

by Aiman MaulanaMarch 2, 2021
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New EA Patent Circumvents Lengthy Downloads and Installs 23

The ability to play games instantly without the need for downloads or installs has yet to become a reality, but we are getting closer and closer to it. A new EA patent reveals a new feature which could circumvent the matter and let you play games much sooner than before.

New EA Patent Circumvents Lengthy Downloads and Installs

New EA Patent Circumvents Lengthy Downloads and Installs 24

A new EA patent brings the possibility of circumventing lengthy downloads and installs. If the feature ever gets implemented, it’s supposed to make use of streaming technology so you can immediately start playing games instead of waiting for it to download and install like you normally would with games nowadays.

This isn’t to say that it’s a game streaming service but rather, the game will continue being downloaded as you play, and it will automatically switch to the local version as soon as enough data has been downloaded on your machine.

Sony has taken a similar approach on PlayStation consoles, most notably the PS4 and PS5, where game downloads will prioritize on the necessary assets to get it up and running, so you can play while the rest of the game is being downloaded in the background. While this won’t allow the game to be played instantaneously, it will definitely be faster than waiting for it complete first.

With game streaming still struggling to find a place in the mainstream, this will definitely help gamers ease up to it better as it serves as a logical halfway point for it. Given that most people go for digital games instead of physical copies nowadays, potential features like this will further encourage gamers to go fully digital. With that being said however, it is merely a patent for now and there’s no guarantee that it will be implemented.


Pokdepinion: Well, anything that can possibly help get into games faster is a welcome addition.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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