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PSN Prepaid Cards and PS Plus Memberships Now Available in Supermarkets and Convenience Stores!

PSN Prepaid Cards and PS Plus Memberships Now Available in Supermarkets and Convenience Stores!

by Aiman MaulanaDecember 21, 2016
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Now you can buy PSN Prepaid cards and PS Plus Memberships cards in supermarkets and convenience stores across Malaysia!

For most of us here in Malaysia, we often head to our local videogame retail store to get us some games and peripherals. It’s the most convenient way we know and not all of us have credit cards to use for online videogame stores.

But with major videogame distributors like Steam and Sony going online, it would suck to not be able to take advantage of it as it is indeed way more convenient. We can always buy prepaid cards but where do we buy them from? Well, here’s a place for Sony’s PlayStation Store.


PSN Prepaid Cards and PS Plus Memberships

PS Plus PSN card

Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced that you can buy PSN Prepaid cards as well as PS Plus memberships cards in supermarkets and convenience stores in over 10,000 locations in Southeast Asia, and Malaysia is included. Previously, these prepaid cards were only sold mainly through gaming shops and electronics retailers.

Why You Should Care About This?

While you don’t actually have to buy the prepaid cards as you can purchase physical copies but if you do want buy games and other related content digitally, you will need credit cards or debit cards. And even with debit cards, most of them won’t go through with the purchase (I’m looking at you, Maybank).

Essentially, Sony Interactive Entertainment is making it easier for you to be able to purchase digital content on their platform, as you can either buy the prepaid cards yourself as well as the PS Plus membership cards directly via those new places.

PSN Prepaid Cards and PS Plus Memberships Now Available in Supermarkets and Convenience Stores! 26

As the reason of purchasing the prepaid card is pretty straightforward, some of you may be wondering what’s the point of the PS Plus membership. Well, those who have subscribed to it are guaranteed to get free games every month and it’s not just some unknown games. At one point, all subscribers got the full version of NBA 2K16.

PS Plus PSN cards

Then there’s special discounts/sales on items that is only available for the subscribers. And for those items that have already been discounted, you can get another discount on top of that discount. There are some other extra benefits that appear from time to time but if you’re an avid gamer, you’ll save a lot with just a small initial investment.

Hiroyuki Oda, Deputy President of Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia, said:

This is just the start of our efforts to make digital purchases on our online PlayStation Store more accessible to gamers in the region. We want to offer consumers greater choice in deciding where to buy and how to pay for their favorite digital content. These cards are also wonderful Christmas gifts for friends and family.

What Can You Buy and Where?

PS Plus PSN card

I swear, we’re not sponsored by 7-Eleven…or even that dental clinic.

You can purchase PSN Prepaid cards as well as PS Plus Membership cards at 7-Eleven, Tesco, Giant, and Cosway. There may be plans to have more shops selling those cards but at the moment, these are the only ones confirmed to have it in store and up for sale.

You can buy:

  • RM250 PSN Prepaid card
  • RM100 PSN Prepaid card
  • 3-month PS Plus Membership card for RM43
  • 12-month PS Plus Membership card for RM129


Pokdepinion: Well, I usually use a credit card to pay for stuff but before I got this, I always wondered where to get the prepaid cards. Now, it’s a lot easier since there are plenty of 7-Elevens as well as Giant and Tesco supermarkets in Malaysia. Way to go, Sony!

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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