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Why Genshin Impact Half Anniversary is Making Gamers Upset?

Why Genshin Impact Half Anniversary is Making Gamers Upset?

by Aiman MaulanaMarch 31, 2021
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Why Genshin Impact Half Anniversary is Making Gamers Upset? 23

Recently, we had the Genshin Impact Half Anniversary celebration as the game officially turned 6 months old. However, this made a lot of gamers upset. What happened and why did it turn out this way? Let’s find out.

Why Genshin Impact Half Anniversary is Making Gamers Upset?

Why Genshin Impact Half Anniversary is Making Gamers Upset?

Every gacha game will occasionally some form of celebratory event from time to time. Usually, the game will give you some form of freebies or bonuses as part of the celebration, most notably the item or currency used to roll the gacha. Unfortunately for the Genshin Impact Half Anniversary celebration, nothing was announced for it.

As a result, many gamers are unhappy about the whole situation. It’s not necessarily the majority as there are various opinions on the matter, but a lot of people are arguing about different aspects of it. One thing’s for sure, you can find plenty of disgruntled gamers on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and more.

Interestingly, there were multiple notable gamers who were speculating on what could miHoYo offer as part of the Genshin Impact Half Anniversary celebration, and “Nothing” had one of the higher votes overall. This would indicate that many gamers were expecting as much, although there should be some amount that voted it as a joke.

With that being said, there is a chance that miHoYo could still announce some new things for it, like some free Primogems among other items. We’ll report more on this as soon as information becomes available so stay tuned.

Genshin Impact is currently available for free on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Android, iOS, and PC. A Nintendo Switch port will be coming sometime in the near future.


Pokdepinion: I have spent a lot less time on this game so I personally don’t mind, but I am also pretty certain if I was as active as before, I would be upset if there was nothing being given out. Would need a bit more incentive to get myself hooked even further.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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