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Concert photography made possible with a smartphone?

Concert photography made possible with a smartphone?

by Vyncent ChanMarch 12, 2019
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Smartphones aren’t usually the gear you want to carry to a concert if you want to preserve your memories there. There’s not enough zoom, the audio recording isn’t exactly stellar, and generally low performance in low light situations just don’t cut it. The latter two issues may have been solved by most recent flagships, but these images allegedly taken by a smartphone seem to show that even the last problem has a solution for it now.

These images that surfaced from Blue’s recent performance here in Malaysia were apparently taken by a smartphone. The close shot was already better than what most current smartphones could muster, but the super close shot is really interesting. It appears that there is a mix of digital and optical zooming here, but still to be able to get this up close and personal in a concert, with a smartphone no less, is surely something.

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There are a number of possible smartphones that might have taken the shot, but the HUAWEI P30 Pro seems like the most plausible one. Firstly, they are just days away from the official launch of the HUAWEI P30 Pro at Paris. And secondly, they aren’t shy to show off the zoom capabilities on the upcoming flagship with both Richard Yu and Bruce Li showing off their shots.

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HUAWEI has also been at the forefront of smartphone camera technologies, with the HUAWEI P20 Pro holding on to the top rung of DxOMark’s camera charts for more than a year, before being matched by the HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro. The HUAWEI P30 Pro should also similarly set an all-new benchmark for mobile photography.

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HUAWEI has already announced the HUAWEI Backup in Malaysia, which may be included as one of the freebies at the local HUAWEI P30 launch. HUAWEI has had a tradition of giving generous early bird freebies, so it could be quite possible that the 1TB HUAWEI Backup be offered to give users an option to easily backup their treasured photos.

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If you are interested about the HUAWEI P30 series, make sure to stay tuned to our updates!

Pokdepinion: I really can’t wait to see what HUAWEI and Leica will bring to the table this time!

About The Author
Vyncent Chan
Technology enthusiast, casual gamer, pharmacy graduate. Strongly opposes proprietary standards and always on the look out for incredible bang-for-buck.

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