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Facebook Wants Your Data But They’ll Pay You For It

Facebook Wants Your Data But They’ll Pay You For It

by Raja IdrisJune 13, 2019
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Over in the US, it appears that Facebook has launched a new app that tracks users on how they use their mobile devices. In return, they’ll pay you for the information that you give.

Facebook Wants Your Data But They'll Pay You For It 28

Facebook Study app

The app, which is called Study, records usage behavior which includes your installed apps, the amount of time you use them, location, as well as device and network.

Facebook has said that they aim to use this data to learn which apps are user favorites and looks to improve their own products.

They’ve added that they will not collect user content, passwords, or even messages and that the information will not go to a third party.

The social media platform has been recruiting people be running ads which will then prompt potential users to verify their age and also confidential details. Once confirmed, users will then be able to download the Study app and log in.

In a bid to offer some form of security to users of the app, Facebook shows you all the data they collect and how it’ll be used. Additionally, users will need to submit their PayPal account in order for them to make payment to recruits.

Despite that, it is not known of how much exactly users will be getting paid for participating. Users are allowed to leave anytime that they want (the Study app), which all they need to do is uninstall the app as well as notifying Facebook of your intent.

As of now, the Study app is only available for Android users in the US as well as India. It is reported that they improve the app further and make it available to more countries.

Pokdepinion: Getting paid for your details? No thanks…but then again, everything is available on the internet..

About The Author
Raja Idris
The name's King, Kingky King. Likes to keep it simple and straightforward. A person who games regardless of what platform. Need value for money performance? Get AMD.

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