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MyJPJ App Gets New Update with Improved Security and Major Fixes

MyJPJ App Gets New Update with Improved Security and Major Fixes

by Aiman MaulanaFebruary 16, 2023
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If you have yet to succeed in using the MyJPJ app, there is a new update which brings some notable changes and much needed improvements.

MyJPJ App Gets Much Needed Update

The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has announced significant updates to its MyJPJ mobile app and public portal. The department has received a lot of feedback and complaints from the public regarding the use of digital driving licenses and road tax, and these changes were made in response to these concerns.

One of the most notable changes is the enhanced security for account registrations. Previously, users only needed a password and TAC code, but now, to create an account, users must enter the last eight figures from the back of their driver’s license. This additional layer of security also applies to account recovery.

JPJ has also introduced a new recovery tool that allows users to reset their email address used during registration or update it. These updates are being gradually rolled out on Android, iOS, and Huawei.

Last week, the department abolished the need for physical road tax and driving licenses for private Malaysian drivers with LMM licenses. Drivers can generate digital copies of their licenses and road tax using the MyJPJ app. Enforcement officers will accept a screenshot or printed version of the digital documents as valid proof of documentation.

The policy only applies to private Malaysian drivers, and foreign motorists and commercial drivers still need to carry physical stickers and cards. The shift from physical to digital is estimated to save JPJ up to RM96 million annually in printing costs. Overall, these updates make it easier and more secure for drivers to access and manage their documents.


Pokdepinion: Did you manage to sign up yet? I’m still having a bit of issues but at least I progressed further than when I first tried it out. Gonna try again later in the day.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)