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TCL Unveils NXTPAPER 3.0: Elevating Visual Health and User Experience

TCL Unveils NXTPAPER 3.0: Elevating Visual Health and User Experience

by Aiman MaulanaJanuary 14, 2024
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In a remarkable stride towards prioritizing visual health, TCL unveiled NXTPAPER 3.0 at CES 2024 in Las Vegas, building upon its groundbreaking NXTPAPER technology introduced in 2021. This latest iteration, optimized for human senses, comes equipped with enhancements and features aimed at delivering an unparalleled visual experience.


TCL Unveils NXTPAPER 3.0: Elevating Visual Health and User Experience

TCL highlights that NXTPAPER 3.0 incorporates the innovative Circularly Polarized Light (CPL) screen, emulating the natural light’s “emission – reflection – refraction” path. This unique approach mimics the experience of reading books in natural light, providing a paper-like appearance that significantly enhances eye comfort. The CPL screen not only retains sharp images, deep contrast, vibrant colors, and natural motion but also filters harmful blue light by an impressive 61%.

The advancements in NXTPAPER 3.0 extend beyond visual health. The technology boasts higher refresh rates and DC Dimming, ensuring a flicker-free experience. An Adaptive Color Temperature feature, powered by an RGB sensor, allows the display to automatically adjust color temperature based on the time and ambient light, delivering a comfortable viewing experience.

TCL Unveils NXTPAPER 3.0: Elevating Visual Health and User Experience

Addressing the need for healthy digital viewing habits, NXTPAPER 3.0 includes an eye-care assistant within its software. This feature encourages users to adopt the popular “20-20-20” rule—taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes and focusing on an object 20 feet away. Additionally, a rest reminder prompts users to take breaks from prolonged use. The software also detects poor lighting conditions and ensures users maintain an appropriate distance from the screen.

NXTPAPER 3.0 is set to debut on the NXTPAPER 14 Pro tablet, TAB 10 NXTPAPER 5G tablet, and the 50 Series smartphones. These devices will feature the 3-in-1 VersaView UI, offering three distinct modes tailored for different scenarios. The normal view ensures optimal display for regular use, Color Paper Mode enhances the reading experience for comics with low contrast, while the black and white Ink Paper Mode delivers a pleasing e-reading experience. Stay tuned for the official release of these cutting-edge devices equipped with the technology.


Pokdepinion: As TCL continues to pioneer advancements in display technology, the new display technology stands as a testament to the brand’s commitment to visual health and an enhanced user experience. It’s an interesting concept and I can’t wait to try it out first hand.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)