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Actual PS5 Dev Kits Have Started Surfacing Online

Actual PS5 Dev Kits Have Started Surfacing Online

by Aiman MaulanaDecember 4, 2019
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Actual PS5 Dev Kits Have Started Surfacing Online

We’ve seen renders and we’ve see patent leaks on the PlayStation 5. We didn’t expect to see much from it until 2020 at least but now, pictures of actual PS5 dev kits have started to surface online and it looks surprisingly accurate to the initial leak.

Shared by Twitter user @Alcoholikaust, the two PS5 dev kits are primarily black and silver in color and also feature a V-shaped top which is apparently for improved air ventilation. We also see a controller plugged into one of the dev kits, but it just seems to be a standard DualShock 4. The

PS5 is planned to launch with the DualShock 5, but units of this new controller may not be in the hands of developers just yet which is why they’re utilizing the PS4 controller for now. As for who the developer is that has the PS5 dev kits in question, that is unknown at the moment.

As has been mentioned countless times before, it’s worth noting that just because the PS5 dev kit looks like this doesn’t mean that the PS5 itself, which is set to launch next year, will look even remotely the same. Dev kits often look nothing at all like their actual console counterparts.

If you look in the image above, you can even see PS4 dev kits in the top right corner and it looks nothing like the PS4 that you probably have in your entertainment center. Normally, they’re large electronic equipment with the same, or roughly the same, internals as the actual console.

The PlayStation 5 is expected to release in Holiday 2020. We’re expected to hear more about it next year.

Source: Twitter

Pokdepinion: I honestly don’t mind if the actual console uses that design. I kinda like it.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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